NMAT Growth Strategy 2021 / 26
‘Raising standards and improving life chances for the young people of the communities in which we work.’
Our Vision
Nunthorpe Multi Academy Trust will strive to ensure that Nunthorpe Academy, and future NMAT academies, respond to the context of the local community and deliver the best possible outcomes for our young people.
All of our students have an entitlement to be provided with opportunities that allow them to achieve their potential and that ensure they make a valuable contribution as members of their community.
All of our staff must demonstrate high expectations in a climate of challenge and support based upon Quality Assured accountability.
Our Values
- To always have students at the forefront of our thinking.
- To consistently have high aspirations, high expectations and high standards for all of our students and staff.
- Effective collaboration through challenging partnerships within NMAT and through the networks that we work within.
- Supporting colleagues to improve the educational experiences of young people across the Tees Valley.
- Seeking, valuing and responding to parents, carers and all other stakeholders’ contributions.
Our Commitment
- To raise standards and improve life chances for the young people of the communities in which we work.
- To create coaching and leadership opportunities. To use rigorous Performance Management to enable career development to reward outstanding practitioners and thus assist the retention of high quality staff.
- To use competition as a vehicle to raise standards. To be driven by the desire for all to exceed national measures and comparators.
- To share learning from other Academies (within and beyond the region) to drive further improvement for our students.
- To establish more enrichment opportunities for our students.
- To recruit the best specialist teachers for our young people. To utilise, where possible, the high calibre North East Schools Teaching Alliance trainee teachers, ensuring that our NQTs are of the highest standard and are already part of the NMAT family.
Ofsted Judgement
Nunthorpe Academy, currently judged ‘Good’ for overall effectiveness, with the 16-19 study programmes judged ‘Outstanding’.
Trustees are committed to making Nunthorpe Academy the best it can be in all areas of work. Part of this focus will involve a review of all systems and structures within the Academy and the Trust to develop the Nunthorpe Multi Academy Trust brand and culture. This work will ensure that all ‘Trust’ systems and structures are able to be upscaled. These ‘Trust’ systems and structures will be adopted by any Academy that joins the Trust in the future.
The Trust’s intention is to be in a position to consider formal growth from September 2023 onwards. Trustees believe that by September 2023, the drive and foci noted above will be secure and consequently, the Trust will have the capacity to consider expansion at this point.